Well now that the final draft is complete, there's really only one step left to take : get the manuscript out there.
Preparing for rejection
Revisions, et cetera
Been a while since I've updated here, much to the consternation of my loyal fans. All, what, three of you?
Life has kept me busy the last few months but in spite of the lack of updates here, the writing hasn't come to a complete halt. Right now the manuscript is going through another revision, this one to hopefully polish out a few rough spots, fill in a few holes, and basically get the manuscript into what I would consider a "submission-worthy" state. Probably isn't going to take me all that long either, as I am not making any serious revisions. No adding new characters, no new chapters, no new scenes. I'm pretty satisfied that it should be good to go by the end of the month.
What then? I've been doing a fair bit of thinking lately and I think the best bet for me will be to seek out an agent. With everything else that is going on, all the other demands I have on my time, I'm just not sure I have either the time or the energy to devote to making the submissions to publishers myself, do all the follow up work, all of the stuff that agents know exactly how to do. Granted, I'll still have to go through the trouble of finding and submitting to an agent, but at least there's a bit less of a labyrinth to navigate, there. Perhaps there's even a bit of an opening there, too; a brother-in-law of a brother-in-law published a fantasy novel not too long ago, so maybe it's possible to make a bit of a connection.
That's about it for now. Hopefully there will be some interesting and worthy news to share in the near future.