
I've had a little time to think about the self-publishing route, some time to sleep on it, and I've decided to make the plunge.  Steps are now being taken to that end, and with any luck we'll have the book ready to go in time for the holidays this year!  The manuscript is being adjusted and formatted for publication as a 6" x 9" paperback, a pretty standard size in the industry.  What's lacking (and what I don't have the capacity to do) is design and create cover art for the novel.  It seems likely that I'm going to have to commission an artist to do it for me, but hopefully that won't take too terribly long.

I've also decided to go ahead and give Kickstarter a go.  I believe that there's a good shot to get the initial funding we need to make the release go smoothly and, hopefully, give us a little boost in terms of attention and potential.

I am also going to start making better use of the Facebook and Twitter feeds.  I know that there aren't many followers just yet but since I'm going down this road of self-publishing I'm going to have to make the most of social networking.  Time to make the most of it!  So keep an eye out for more exciting news soon.


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